Why It’s Hard to Accept Help For Your Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is one of the only major issues we face in life that has a relatively straightforward solution.But after more than 20 years of treating patients with the best hearing aids available, I’ve learned that it isn’t always so easy to accept that you need help...

Stay Connected This Holiday Season
We at Centers for Hearing Care immensely enjoy the holiday season and all that comes with it; family dinners, gatherings with friends, and holiday parties. However, with that being said, all the socializing can become exhausting and sometimes overwhelming. For someone...

The Flu and You
As you know, we are in the midst of the ever dreaded cold and flu season. One of our audiologists Ohio, Dr. Amanda Grove Kenney, recently held a talk at a flu clinic where she shared how illness and temporary hearing loss are intertwined. I wanted to share this...

Healthy Hearing on Halloween
Costumed kids shrieking with excitement, grown-ups screaming in surprise, and creepy soundtracks in scary movies; this time of year is filled with many distinct sounds. Those with hearing loss, however, may find Halloween to be quite challenging, particularly in the...

90 Years Young
We LOVE what we do, we LOVE our co-workers, but to be honest ... we LOVE our patients MORE!In honor of our patients here at Centers for Hearing Care as an Ohio Audiology, who are 90 years young and counting, we treated them to a special social and luncheon last month....

Our Trip to Costa Rica
Many individuals say to us that the people we help are blessed to have us come to them... If you were to ask any one of the volunteers at our Costa Rica mission earlier this month, they would tell you it is is the EXACT OPPOSITE. We are blessed to be able to serve and...