Would you do this for someone you love?

Today I want to explore the two sides of the coin about hearing loss and relationships … kind of a “if you won’t do it for yourself, do it for them.”

From a study at Harvard: 

“Taking care of your body is important, but tending to your relationships is a form of self-care too. That, I think, is the revelation.”

→ Taking care of your hearing is self-care, but it also shows care for your spouse, family, and friends.

When we let hearing loss remain untreated, we lose out, but so do those who love us.

When a partner experiences hearing loss, it affects the experiences of the other partner. For instance, “Betty” and “Daniel” are an elderly couple. They don’t go out as much as they used to – since Daniel’s hearing loss is significant, he doesn’t enjoy dining out or attending plays like they used to. So Betty doesn’t go either. They stay home a lot.

When Betty tries to talk to Daniel, she’s mostly answered with “What?!” or a response that doesn’t connect with what she actually said. Betty either needs to raise her voice – but that gets tiring – or she finds herself agitated by repeating herself all the time. 

Daniel and Betty talk less and less. Daniel’s hearing loss is impacting the quality of his life and relationships, but it’s also affecting Betty in that same way. They’re BOTH becoming socially isolated, and isolated from each other.

Relationships are SO important  – they help delay physical and mental decline.

Another study I read showed that

“Improved communication made possible by hearing aids resulted in improved mood, social interactions and cognitively stimulating abilities… hearing loss [is] the most likely underlying reason for the decreased cognitive decline reported in the study,” (Donald Schum, PhD).

Hearing loss affects your happiness, your health, and potentially the happiness and health of those you love.

If you suffer with untreated hearing loss, who else, besides you, is suffering?

If you won’t do it for yourself, do it for someone you love 💞

Talk Soon,

Dr. Sheryl Figliano, Au.D.