Walt Whitman Had it Right…

Seeing, hearing, feeling, are miracles, and each part and tag of me is a miracle.  – Walt Whitman

Hi there!

Do any of your goals for 2021 satiate your senses?

Fortunato and I plan to do a lot more exploring of parks and trails and other outdoor adventures such as biking, running, and enjoying nature – and I know our senses – especially hearing, seeing, feeling – are in for a treat!

I sometimes think back to last fall when we went to Chincoteague Island, the sounds of the wild ponies on the island, as well as the sounds of the beach with crashing waves and windy fall weather was such a treat. 

What are the sounds you look forward to hearing this year…?

A grandbaby’s gurgle? Children’s laughter? The story told at the dinner table? The chickadee chirping or the ocean waves rolling in? A musical? A movie? A lecture? Raindrops? 

I encourage you to think about all the sounds and sights out there waiting for you, and welcome all that our senses offer us. Some may not be quite as sharp as they once were, but how wonderful that technology prevents us from missing out on such welcome sounds and sights!


Dr. Sheryl Figliano, Au.D.