The Power of Giving Back

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world” – Mahatma Gandi

Years ago  Centers for Hearing Care coined the phrase “Culture of Caring” and has strive to make this simple idea our mantra.

What does culture of caring mean to us? It’s the 1,000 little things we can do for our communities no matter how BIG or small. It’s our way of “giving back” to the community who has entrusted us with their hearing care. We believe in this concept so much that our staff shares stories every day of fellow employees who have gone above and beyond to help someone in unexpected circumstances. These stories fill our souls with happiness and inspire us to continue the culture of caring mission.

The philosophy behind our Culture of Caring is aligned with our friend and partner, Starkey Technologies CEO Mr. Bill Austin. Long ago, Mr. Austin set out to prove in his own business that “the bottom line in business is the people, not money”. Recently, Starkey Technologies invited Dr. Sheryl Figliano to present on our Culture of Caring to a group of hearing industry leaders. I am beyond proud of my wife and business partner on the inspiring job she did delivering this presentation to top hearing professionals from around the world. She spoke about “giving back” to our local communities and recommended a few easy ways in which others could give back to their own local communities just as we do.

Sheryl and I would like to acknowledge our Centers for Hearing Care employees such as our Audiologist Cleveland, who continue to commit to our purpose; the Culture of Caring. These individuals inspire us each day with their giving hearts and selflessness, and for that we couldn’t be more thankful.

Fortunato Figliano

Executive Director