Welcome to Our Renovated Blog!
While we recently launched a newly designed website, we figured it was about time we launch a new and improved blog page as well... and here it is! We will be updating Our Blog on a regular basis to keep you up to date with the most recent news and events at Centers...

What Was That?
How is it that another summer is already coming to a close? With Labor Day weekend upon us, as well as the colder weather, students are now substituting video games and their freedom for text books and exams. Going back to school can be a difficult transition for...

Changing the World Through Hearing
(Translated from Spanish) Yesterday I was reading a book written by two Danish men about education. The final paragraph of this book says: “To change and transform the world we must act. All people act where they live and with the resources they have and we all want...

Listen Up … Turn it to the Left
Sensorineural (or permanent) hearing loss can be caused from many factors including: age, genetics, medications (like chemotherapy), and/or other health issues (such as diabetes), just to name a few. A very common and often overlooked cause of hearing loss, is...

Dementia and Hearing Loss
There are many common health concerns linked with hearing loss... One of the biggest concerns as we age is dementia. According to a study done by Johns Hopkins University of Medicine, older adults with hearing loss have an increased risk of “dementia, falls,...

My Journey with Hearing Loss
The phrase “hearing loss” is typically associated with the process of aging and a “sign” of getting older; however what most people do not realize is that it affects people of all ages. I was born a pre-mature twin in 1990, within the first two weeks of my life I...