• • • PART 2 • • •
1,806 patients in three days. THREE DAYS! How can I even begin to tell you about those three days of the hearing mission, and the days surrounding it?
To start, we your Audiologist Ohio at Centers for Hearing Care were in the beautiful city of Yerevan during a very special time. We helped celebrate the city’s 2,799th birthday! What history! Just to put it in persepective, this past year, the city of Cleveland celebrated 221 years. They’ve got just a few (thousand) on us. The Fountains in Republic Square were dancing to traditional Armenian music, there were fireworks we could see from our hotel- the city was alive and celebrating its rich history.

Under the guidance of an experienced Starkey Hearing foundation team, all volunteers are focused on ONE GOAL, to strive to ensure that the people we help have the support they need to reach their full potential, reconnect back to life and become self determinant citizens of our world.
Visit The Starkey Hearing Foundation at
Dr. Sheryl Figliano Au.D, Dr. Lorie D’Elia Au.D, Fortunato Figliano