Help for Your Hearing…

… We Make It Easy !

For nearly 37 million Americans, they live in a world of silence, a conversation may fade into a distant whisper, the sound of music into a faint hum. They no longer can hear the birds singing in the trees or the sound of children’s laughter.

Helen Keller described hearing loss from her perspective – ‘Blindness separates people from things; deafness separates people from people.’

Hearing loss can also hurt your quality of life. A large study by the National Council on Aging connected hearing loss to stress, anger, depression, loneliness, memory loss, and many other problems.

The Centers for Hearing Care can make your journey to better hearing enjoyable and stress free!

All you need to do is call one of our 7 conveniently located offices to schedule a no risk, no obligation appointment. Our professional audiologist in Cleveland and other branches of your Audiology in Ohio will walk you through each phase from performing a complete diagnostic hearing evaluation to explaining the type of loss you have and how hearing devices may improve your overall well being. We’ll even have coffee and warm cookies to enjoy while filling out necessary paperwork!

The best part is, you can test drive a pair of hearing aids to make sure you will be completely satisfied with this great investment!


The following are typical signs of hearing loss:

 You often ask others to repeat

→  Your friends and family complain that you have the television or radio too loud

→  You struggle to hear on the telephone

We can help to find the right solution that will reconnect you to the amazing sounds of life!

Marcie Snyder

Audiologist Aid