An Education in Sound (Part 1)

Every patient is different and comes to us with unique needs, meaning they need a unique solution.

Hearing loss comes with a unique set of challenges.  Coming to terms with it is often one of the hardest parts. For many people, hearing loss happens slowly over time.  Because of that, they don’t always realize that their ability to hear has diminished.  They become used to their “new” way of hearing.  This changes the way they live and the way they engage with family, friends, and the world around them.  

Many people who experience hearing loss, but have yet to treat it, assume that hearing aids won’t make a difference.  They aren’t confident in the technology.  Couple this with the slow progression of hearing loss, it can take decades before someone turns to us for help.

But once a person makes that leap and walks into our office, it’s a life-changing experience – literally! In the years that I’ve worked as an audiologist, I’ve noticed a very distinct trend.  Once a patient is fit with a hearing aid, and it’s been calibrated to their specific needs, and we’ve worked with them to ensure long-lasting results, they are incredibly satisfied.  Years of uncertainty fly right out the window. 

A lot of that uncertainty comes from misconceptions about hearing aids.  While some people may not feel that the technology will be able to help them, others assume that hearing aids are a “one-size-fit-all” solution – that they are fitted once, and that’s it.  This belief may have come from poor results in the past.  

The truth is, a lot goes into getting hearing aids.  Every patient is fitted for hearing aids, but that’s just one step.  Our goal is to leave you with amazing results, while making every step as easy as possible.  To get to that great end result, we work closely with every patient to educate them and their family about what goes into better hearing.

Next week I’ll share a little more about our auditory rehabilitation process and what it looks like to go through a comprehensive treatment program. 

Have a great day!


Dr. Sheryl Figliano